The Mohaka and Waipunga Rivers provide access for hunters with firearms or cameras. The target species include red deer, Japanese deer, wild pigs (Captain Cookers or Russian) and wild merino sheep.


Shooters must have NZ firearms licenses and hunting permits for the land to be hunted over. We normally provide hunting guides, and can obtain hunting permits if requested.


Two raft put-in places on the upper Mohaka can be accessed by road – the Mangatutu Hot Springs area and the bridge on the Pakaututu Road. Both involve a 90 minute mini-bus drive through the beautiful Hawkes Bay back country. Alternatively we can arrange helicopter transport through Helesika New Zealand, and that option provides quick access any spot on the river including land further upstream.


Below SH5 bridge there are 25 km of river running through hilly forestry or farming land providing hunting opportunities, once again subject to the comments, above, on hunting permits. Once below the Department of Conservation Everett’s river-side camping ground off Aurora Road there is no take-out place until the confluence of the Mohaka and Te Hoe Rivers is reached, some 17 km further downstream.


© 2016 Raft Fish New Zealand